
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday's Thinker

[Update:  Roberts won again.  He advances to the quarterfinals tonight.  Go Roberts!]

A weekly feature here, because riddles are delightful.  I think I fell in love with them during my Old English class, when I had to translate  a few that were written around 1000 AD.

I thought, "These people are eating onions to survive and fending off annual Spring attacks from Vikings, yet they're still writing riddles?  Rock on. . ."

Our first is a classic.  It's good to start off easy:

I am greater than God
And worse than Satan

Dead people eat me
And if you eat me, you'll die.

What am I?


  1. Okay, I give up! I haven't a clue - never was any good at this sort of stuff.

    If this is "easy" I won't even bother reading the hard ones!

  2. Ohhh, I know. But only, I think, because I've heard it. It is hard and I had to think to remember the answer. So here it is: Nothing. Nothing is greater than God. Nothing is worse than Satan. Dead people eat nothing. And if you eat nothing, you'll die.

    I love these!

